The world as I see it — by R C Norman

Posts tagged “farm


Friendly Pig

Friendly Pig

My son has always loved pigs. Don’t really know why. Maybe because they are extremely smart animals, and he’s pretty smart too! Anyway, I found this shot in a stack from 2007 that I thought captured the feeling I have today — excitement! It’s Friday and the start of a three-day holiday weekend. Heading to the rivah with Jenny and Nikon in tote. Farmer’s Market tomorrow, which usually provides some good subject material for photogging. Happy shooting!
Camera specs: Nikon D50, 35 mm, F/8, 1/250


Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

My brother bought an old farmhouse on 60 acres in rural Virginia last year. They finally sold their house in suburbia and are now making their “new” old house a home. Last year the fields around the house were planted in wheat in the spring. Jenny and I stopped by one evening just when the sun was laying low on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the wheat field. I snapped several shots, but this one captured the color and texture that made me smile.
May 30, 2011
Nikon 105 mm, F/8, 1/250, ISO 180